CADViewer JS Online Samples

Upload and View your own CAD drawing:

File-Load of Test Drawings: CADViewer JS is set up with interactive modals for user enabled file-loading and redlines. Links with AutoXchange for server on-the-fly conversion of CAD drawings.
Open Sample - View Your Own CAD Drawings

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General Samples

All the following samples are as part of the CADViewer JS download and running online. Click on any Open Sample link to load CADViewer JS.

Samples which can be run standalone - no server -

1) Pre-converted drawing: Loading and display of CAD drawing pre-converted with AutoXchange.
Open Sample - Basic View

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2) External Server: Loading and display of DWG drawing. Connects with an external server for on-the-fly conversion of CAD file.
Open Sample - External Server Conversion

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Samples which requires server (localhost, or Url) with php and AutoXchange:

Follow instructions in Install Notes above. NOTE: Edit the php configuration through CV-JS_config.php in the folder ./php, edit the ServerLocation and ServerURL variables in the .html files to point to your server locations.

File Load and Redlines Handling

3) File-Load: CADViewer JS is set up with interactive modals for file-loading and redlines. Links with AutoXchange for own server on-the-fly conversion control of CAD drawings.
Open Sample - Drawing loaded via File Loader

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4) Redlines: Redline control icon disk displayed at load. Links with AutoXchange for own server on-the-fly conversion control of CAD drawings.
Open Sample - Redlines.

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5) Redlines Overlay: Multiple overlay load of redlines are enabled. Links with AutoXchange for own server on-the-fly conversion control of CAD drawings and is set up for interactive modals for file-loading and redlines.
Open Sample - Redlines Overlay Sample

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6) Embedded Redlines Control: Sample for embedding CADViewer JS in an encapsulating application. Redline handling of features such as locked users, hidden users, etc. are all Javascript API controlled. File and redline load/save are all done through API calls.
Open Sample - Redline API controls

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Insert Image Objects and Compare Drawings

7) Insert Image Objects: Sample with image handling and object count menu page activated (icon menu page three). Images can be externally loaded and added to a location on the drawing.
Open Sample - Insert Image

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8) Compare Drawings: Sample with compare drawings menu page activated (icon menu page three). Two drawings are loaded and overlaid to expose differencies.
Open Sample - Compare Drawings

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Dynamic Highlight API

For a more indept description on creating the dynamic hotspots on drawings, as used in this examples, see document: CADViewer JS-AutoXchange - Generating Automated Hotspots.pdf

9) Dynamic Highlight: Sample illustrating the dynamic highlight API for coloring and labelling objects in a drawing. Sample also illustrates thumbnail generator and PDF generation of screen image with dynamic highlight (for reporting).
Open Sample - Dynamic Highlight

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Various Functionality

11) Add Click Handlers to SVG: Handlers are added to SVG file so group of objects (text) responds with highlight to mouse over, mouse click, etc. Finds the layer the object is on.
Open Sample - SVG ClickHandler

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12) Handle Hyperlinks in SVG: A Click handler is added to highlight and catch Hyperlinks (Original drawing from DWF).
Open Sample - SVG Xlink Hyperlinks

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Sample which requires server with php and MySQL

Follow instructions in Install Notes above. NOTE: Edit the php configuration through CV-JS_config.php in the folder ./php, edit the ServerLocation and ServerURL variables in the .html files to point to your server locations. Install database ./CV-JS_2_5_2/databases/vizquery_public_demo.sql prior to running this sample.

Dynamic Interaction between drawing and Database

For a more indept description on creating the dynamic hotspots on drawings, as used in this examples, see document: CADViewer JS-AutoXchange - Generating Automated Hotspots.pdf

14) Visual Query: AngularJS and PHP are used to dynamically load content from a MySQL database for two-way interaction with content in drawing.
Open Sample - Visual Query

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Sample which requires server with php and Java

Follow instructions in Install Notes above. NOTE: Edit the php configuration through CV-JS_config.php in the folder ./php, edit the ServerLocation and ServerURL variables in the .html files to point to your server locations.

Dynamic load of multipage PDF

15) PDF: Loading and display of multipage PDF document using on-the-fly conversion.
Open Sample - PDF Documents

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Sample which requires server with php and integrates with external Sharepoint server

Follow instructions in Install Notes above. NOTE: Edit the php configuration through CV-JS_config.php in the folder ./php, edit the ServerLocation and ServerURL variables in the .html files to point to your server locations.

Configuration of PHP REST interface for connecting to SharePoint server

After CV-JS integration above, follow instructions in this document to download php rest interface and configure access to Sharepoint server: CADViewerJS - SharePoint configuration.pdf

16) CADViewer JS SharePoint/MicroSoft 365 Integration: Seamless CAD access point to Sharepoint server. Builds navigational file tree over Sharepoint server folder content. Among others, allows sharing of redlined content via e-mail. Implements download and upload of redlines as well as translation to PDF of redline overlays.
Contact us for the implementation sample and additional information.

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Generic Samples

The three Generic Samples links below points to the CADViewer JS Server and is not part of the download samples.

View a sample SVGZ file with classic icon skin

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Open a sample Redlining and Markup file.

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Test PNG bitmap viewing with classic icon skin.

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License Keys

License Key - CADViewer JS

CADViewer JS goes from trial to release mode by adding a license key cvlicense.js into a directory of choice.

License key folder

Set the license key folder as part of the declaration of CADViewer JS


License Key - AutoXchange

AutoXchange goes from trial to release mode by adding a license key axlic.key into a directory of choice.

License key folder

Set the license key location as part of the initalization in the php file CV-JS_config.php in the AutoXchange download.

//  Path to the location of the license key axlic.key file
	$licenseLocation = "/home/cadviewer/tms-restful-api/converters";

To learn more about licensing, please contact us at: Tailor Made Software